Newcastle Circus Arts Complaints, Whistleblowing, and Code of Conduct Breaches Procedures
Newcastle Circus Arts (NCA) is committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and professional environment for all participants, staff, volunteers, and stakeholders. This document outlines procedures for raising complaints, whistleblowing concerns, and reporting breaches of the Code of Conduct. It also establishes clear roles and responsibilities for handling such matters, ensuring fair and prompt resolution.
Complaints Procedure
2.1 Types of Complaints
Complaints may include, but are not limited to:
Inappropriate behaviour by staff, volunteers, or participants.
Issues regarding safeguarding and safety procedures.
Discrimination, bullying, or harassment.
Concerns about programme delivery or accessibility.
Dissatisfaction with a service provided by NCA.
2.2 Informal Complaint Resolution
Where appropriate, individuals are encouraged to resolve concerns informally by speaking directly to the person involved or by raising the issue with an NCA staff member. If an informal resolution is not possible or appropriate, a formal complaint should be submitted.
2.3 Formal Complaint Process
Step 1: Submission of Complaint
Complaints must be submitted in writing via email to julie@newcastlecircusarts.com
Anonymous complaints will be considered if sufficient detail is provided to investigate.
Step 2: Acknowledgment & Initial Review
The complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days.
A designated Complaints Officer will assess the nature of the complaint and decide whether further investigation is required.
If the complaint involves safeguarding concerns, it will be escalated immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
Step 3: Investigation
The investigation will be conducted by a neutral party (e.g., a senior staff member or external investigator if required).
The complainant and relevant parties may be interviewed, and written records will be maintained.
Step 4: Resolution & Response
A written response outlining findings and any necessary actions will be provided within 20 working days of receiving the complaint.
If further time is required, the complainant will be informed of the expected timeline.
Step 5: Appeal Process
If the complainant is unsatisfied with the outcome, they may appeal in writing within 10 working days of receiving the response.
The appeal will be reviewed by the Board of Directors, whose decision is final.​
3. Whistleblowing Policy
3.1 Purpose of Whistleblowing
Whistleblowing refers to raising concerns about wrongdoing, illegal activity, or unethical conduct within NCA, without fear of retaliation. This may include:
Safeguarding breaches or failure to protect vulnerable individuals.
Financial malpractice, fraud, or misuse of funding.
Discrimination, harassment, or workplace bullying.
Violations of health and safety regulations.
Unlawful activities or breaches of professional conduct.
3.2 Reporting a Whistleblowing Concern
Concerns should be reported to hannah@newcastlecircusarts.com or julie@newcastlecircusarts.com.
If the concern involves senior leadership, the report should be made directly to the Board of Directors.
Whistleblowers may remain anonymous, but providing contact details allows for further inquiry and updates.
3.3 Investigation Process
The DWO will acknowledge the report within 5 working days.
A confidential investigation will be conducted within 20 working days, involving relevant directors if necessary.
If the concern involves criminal activity, law enforcement or regulatory bodies may be notified.
The whistleblower will be informed of the investigation outcome, provided it does not compromise confidentiality.
3.4 Protection for Whistleblowers
NCA is committed to protecting individuals who raise concerns in good faith.
Retaliation, discrimination, or victimisation against whistleblowers will result in disciplinary action.
False or malicious allegations may result in disciplinary measures against the individual making them.
4. Code of Conduct Breaches
4.1 Definition of a Breach
A breach of NCA’s Code of Conduct includes, but is not limited to:
Disrespectful, abusive, or discriminatory behaviour.
Failure to uphold safeguarding responsibilities.
Breach of confidentiality or misuse of sensitive information.
Inappropriate behaviour towards children, young people, or vulnerable adults.
Non-compliance with organisational policies and procedures.
4.2 Reporting a Breach
Any concerns regarding Code of Conduct breaches should be reported to a senior staff member, or directly to julie@newcastlecircusarts.com.
Reports should include details of the incident, individuals involved, and any supporting evidence.
If the breach involves a director or senior management, it should be escalated to the Board of Directors.
4.3 Investigation & Disciplinary Action
The issue will be assessed by the Disciplinary Officer, who will determine if an investigation is required.
Investigations will be completed within 20 working days, ensuring confidentiality and fairness.
Actions following an investigation may include:
Verbal or written warning
Mandatory training or mediation
Suspension pending further investigation
Termination of employment or contract (for severe breaches)
4.4 Appeal Process
If the individual facing disciplinary action disputes the findings, they may appeal in writing within 10 working days.
Appeals will be reviewed by the Board of Directors, whose decision is final.
5. Role of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors plays a crucial role in overseeing serious complaints, whistleblowing concerns, and Code of Conduct breaches. Their responsibilities include:
Ensuring fair and impartial investigations.
Reviewing appeals and making final decisions.
Monitoring organisational culture to prevent misconduct.
Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks.
Where necessary, external experts may be consulted to support investigations and decision-making.
6. Confidentiality & Record-Keeping
All complaints, whistleblowing reports, and investigations will be handled with strict confidentiality.
Records will be securely stored and only accessible to authorised personnel.
Reports will be retained for a minimum of 5 years, in line with data protection regulations.
7. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with best practices. Any updates will be communicated to staff, volunteers, and relevant stakeholders.
Contact Information for Reporting Concerns
📧 Complaints Officer: julie@newcastlecircusarts.com
📧 Board of Directors Contact:
Julie Ward - julie@newcastlecircusarts.com
Hannah Guy - hannah@newcastlecircusarts.com
Benjamin Kaufman - benkaufman73@gmail.com